My Hannity Show debate was about State Question 755, which bans Oklahoma courts from considering Sharia in their cases. I am not a lawyer but as an American I see this as a direct violation of the First Amendment and blurring to the line separating state and religion. What’s worse is that this is snowballing […]
Bill O’Reilly incorrect on “Muslim problem”
When Bill O’Reilly told Whoopi Goldberg that we have a “Muslim problem,” which she corrected as a “terrorist problem,” he attributed the problem to the fact that Muslim countries, like Pakistan, aren’t collaborating with us to catch the bad guys. He said that Pakistani Madrasas are basically camps where kids as young as 4 or […]
Setting the record straight on Hannity Show
I was supposed to discuss religious persecution in Iran and Pakistan on the Hannity Show. Instead, the conversation shifted to the old topic of the radicalism of Imam Abdul Rauf of the Islamic center near Ground Zero. Luckily this time around I had more time to set the record straight on the Imam as a […]
Campaign already started against NPR
Additionally, former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee also called for governmental defunding of NPR, condemning the decision to fire Williams as “censorship… It is time for the taxpayers to start making cuts to federal spending, and I encourage the new Congress to start with NPR.” Fox News Channel contributor Michelle Malkin said in her blog:Â ” […]
Juan Williams’ first comments after being fired by NPR
When Juan Williams met with Ellen Weiss, NPR’s senior vice president for news, he clarified his comments on The O’Reilly Factor by saying he gets “nervous” when he sees Muslims on an airplane.
NPR fires its analyst for his Islamophobic remarks on Fox
Justice is served. NPR terminated the contract of its longtime news analyst Juan Williams after his racist remarks on Muslims. On the The O’Reilly Factor, Williams had said:Â “Look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the […]
George Soros donates $1 Million to fight Fox News
Billionaire philanthropist George Soros has donated $1 million to Media Matters for America in an effort to fight Fox News.The prominent Democratic fundraiser and donor has been a frequent target of Fox News hosts, particularly Glenn Beck. His first donation to the group is due to “recent evidence suggesting that the incendiary rhetoric of Fox […]
After The View mishap, O’Reilly continues illogical crusade against Muslims
It seems that Bill O’Reilly is capitalizing on the fallout from his comments, “Muslims killed us on 9/11,” to launch an illogical crusade against Muslims. On the O’Reilly Factor, he brought Fox News analyst Juan Williams who supported his statement. Williams said: “I think, look, political correctness can lead to some kind of paralysis where […]
Celebrities condemn O’Reilly
Stephen Colbert followed Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar’s lead Tuesday morning, storming off set of “The View” in dramatic fashion. Unlike the show’s two co-hosts — who walked off the set Thursday in protest of Bill O’Reilly’s comments about Muslims and 9/11 — Colbert’s walk-off was a joke. He said, “Bill’s talking about emotion. Bill […]
Media Double Standard Furthers Islamophobia
Read my Huffington Post article on this. It raises concerns about the consequences of his action on the media, and poses ethical media questions that affect all Americans.
Fears of Sharia vs. undisclosed campaign funding
Which is more dangerous to our democracy and the wellbeing of our society: A fabricated Sharia takeover or undisclosed campaign funding sources? Click here for the article!
Potential alliances between British anti-Islam group and US Tea Party
Racist transnational alliances could infiltrate our US government. The English Defense League – which warns that Islamic fundamentalism will soon engulf Britain and which protests have sometimes turned into clashes with the police – is seeking alliances with some U.S. figures taking a similar Islamophobic stance. Figures like Rabbi Nachum Shifren, a long-shot Republican candidate […]
To Brian Kilmeade: NOT “all terrorists are Muslim”
In response to Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade who commented, “all terrorists are Muslim,†here are Wiki lists of many other non-Muslim terrorist groups in the U.S.: Here are more international terrorist groups. Obviously Kilmeade should have done a simple search on Wiki to get all these lists before rushing to defend pin head Bill […]
First it was the mosque, now it’s Campbell’s soup!
Campbell is embracing more of America’s diversity by offering Halal soup in order to accommodate the Islamic dietary requirements, besides its large collection of soups that suit every taste. But that’s not digestible to radical figures like Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller, who proudly refers to herself as ” the racist-Islamophobic-anti-Muslim-bigot.” Â They assume the Halal-certified […]
Islamophobic ad for Republican candidate Renee Ellmers
For those who say the Muslim center near Ground Zero is not politicized, just watch Renee Ellmers’ Islamophobic ad for her campaign as a Republican House candidate in North Carolina. Her campaign is based on opposing the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” in New York City. Her ad declared: “After the Muslims conquered Jerusalem, and Cordoba, […]
NPR memo to stations about why Juan Williams was fired
by Jehan
Tags: Fox News, Islamophobic comments, Juan Williams, NPR, NPR memo about firing Juan Williams, The O'Reilly Factor