What ever happened to us? Our media and politicians are almost accusing our President Barack Obama of betraying America for supporting the rights of American Muslims to build a mosque near Ground Zero… There is nothing more American than the stand of Obama, which is in line with the spirit of our forefathers… of President […]
Time to laugh at our mosque politics with Jon Stewart
The Daily Show takes a hilarious look at our politics and naive media coverage of the Muslim center near Ground Zero. After his absences, Imam Abdul Rauf shared on CNN his worries about US national security from the radicals’ reaction to removing the center. But the media and politicians took his worries as a threat […]
Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle warns of Muslim take over of America
Once again, the rhetoric of Sharia taking over America has been exploited by Nevada Tea Party member Sharron Angle in her recent interview with the Mesquite Local News. You can listen to it here around 43 minutes in. “First of all, Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas are on American soil, and under Constitutional law. Not Sharia […]
Should America Fear Islam?
The title of this ABC show seems a little frightening. Â Immediately it creates and affirms the impression that there is something to fear of Muslims in America. Yet, it doesn’t shy away from the fact that there are existing fears, which the show tries to address. In this ABC Town Hall Debate moderated by Christiane […]
The Taliban vs. the Mosque
Not building the Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero may be just what the Taliban are wishing for to get more recruits, donations and popular support. Check out NEWSWEEK article, which interviews Taliban operative Zabihullah.
Thousands of Americans support Park51… Here is why:
We always hear 70% of Americans don’t support the Muslim center near Ground Zero. Â Here are some American voices supporting it but rarely seen or heard in the media. Â Some are broke and still wanted to take an American stand to stop the bullies and reach out to fellow Americans who want to build Park51. […]
In 48 hours, Michael Moore raises $50,000 from Americans to support Park51
Michael Moore says Americans who believe in religious freedom should stop the bullies who want to stop building the Muslim community center near Ground Zero. He called upon each American to donate a dollar to support the center and stop Donald Trump from Trumping this project. Within minutes of his initial fundraising, he netted $10,000. […]
Here is why Michael Moore wants Americans to back Islamic center…
For all his 9 reasons why Moore believes supporting the center is the American way, check out his blog.
Christiane Amanpour to moderate a debate on whether Americans should fear Islam
Stay tune for this heated debate on Sunday @ 10 on ABC.  The guests: Evangelist Franklin Graham, Daisy Khan — Executive Director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement and one of the leading organizers behind the planned mosque and Islamic community center in New York City, Azar Nafisi, Author of “Reading Lolita in Tehran,â€Â Robert Spencer of […]
American Muslims forced to dig up their cemetery!
I thought it was a strange story but apparently it is true. A town in upstate new York is trying to force a local Muslim religious community to dig up a small cemetery on its own property and never bury any body there again. The town of Sidney claims it is illegal, though the town […]
CBS’ Pelley to Geller: “You are not telling the truth in your blog”
A great 60 Minutes report by Scott Pelley shows the ugly truth behind the people exploiting the Islamic Center near ground zero to their political advantage at the expense of dividing our country and hurting innocent Muslims.
The car of a Louisiana Islamic center head set on fire; now he plans to file class-action lawsuit
The newly-elected president of the LaFayette Islamic Center received deadly threats culminating with the burning of his car in the center parking lot. Hisham Tillawi, who came to America seeking freedom, now feels surrounded by violence that could engulf his family. Fed up with the worsening status quo, Tillawi plans to file a class-action lawsuit against […]
When Muslim community center was not politicized, including on Fox News!
I know many of you would be shocked to hear Fox News actually praising the initiative to build a Muslim community center near ground zero, but it happened on December 21, 2009.  While guest-hosting “The O’Reilly Factor,” Fox’s conservative media personality Laura Ingraham told Imam Abdul Rauf’s wife, Daisy Khan, “I can’t find many people who […]
Severed pig’s head dumped at Cambridge mosque
A severed pig’s head has been left outside a mosque in Cambridge – triggering alarm among the city’s Muslims. Families found the head on the steps of the place of worship on Monday night on their way to prayers. An emergency meeting was due to be held last night after the incident at the Shah […]
Veteran threatens Muslims and Obama
Roman Conaway is a veteran in the US armey with explosives training, who made anti-Islam and anti-government threats culminating with a seven-hour standoff with the police in which he took his wife hostage and made threatening calls to St. Louis area Muslims prompting the FBI involvement. Conaway, who claims he only read the Bible, has […]
Top conservatives endorse call for anti-Muslim inquisition
The new Center for Security Policy report “Shariah: The Threat to America,† is making inroads among congressional Republicans .  It is endorsed by Reps. Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), Trent Franks (R-AZ), and Michele Bachmann (R-MN). It identifies “sharia†with the most literalistic and brutal versions of sharia, and therefore fail to understand what the term might actually […]
Watch real Islamophobia in this video…
For the people who claim there isn’t Islamophobia or intolerance of Muslims, I wonder what they would say to such video!
He’s a Muslim! Murderer! Get him!
The Muslims they’re cursing and calling as “murderers” are Americans just as much as them. They love this country, they fight for it and some were first respondents who lost their lives to save their fellow Americans on 9-11. This rally of hate is the result of the work of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer’s […]
Debating Brigitte Gabriel on Hannity
Brigitte Gabriel believes just because we have more mosques here since 9-11 that there is now enough tolerance of Muslims in America, ignoring the fact that hostilities to Muslims recently are on the rise as seen in headlines all over the media. Indeed the Department of Justice is already investigating a handful of anti-Muslim incidents […]
Are American media feeding inaccurate debate about “Ground Zero Mosque”?
A quick glance at this video will show you how the US media seems to mislead the public by framing the Muslim community center near ground zero as “The Ground Zero Mosque.” The fact is this is NOT a mosque, but rather a community center modeled after the Y and the Jewish Community Center, with […]