When Bill O’Reilly told Whoopi Goldberg that we have a “Muslim problem,” which she corrected as a “terrorist problem,” he attributed the problem to the fact that Muslim countries, like Pakistan, aren’t collaborating with us to catch the bad guys. He said that Pakistani Madrasas are basically camps where kids as young as 4 or […]
Setting the record straight on Hannity Show
I was supposed to discuss religious persecution in Iran and Pakistan on the Hannity Show. Instead, the conversation shifted to the old topic of the radicalism of Imam Abdul Rauf of the Islamic center near Ground Zero. Luckily this time around I had more time to set the record straight on the Imam as a […]
Debating Brigitte Gabriel on Hannity
Brigitte Gabriel believes just because we have more mosques here since 9-11 that there is now enough tolerance of Muslims in America, ignoring the fact that hostilities to Muslims recently are on the rise as seen in headlines all over the media. Indeed the Department of Justice is already investigating a handful of anti-Muslim incidents […]
Time to laugh at our mosque politics with Jon Stewart
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Municipal Land-Use Hearing Update www.thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party In his Municipal Land-Use Update, Stewart talks some common sense about how odd our politics and politicians are on the not-at-ground-zero mosque!